The Blog

Navigating the Changing Tides of the Mid Century Modern (MCM) Furniture Market
Louise Brown Louise Brown

Navigating the Changing Tides of the Mid Century Modern (MCM) Furniture Market

The Mid Century Modern market has exploded. What was once a niche appeal has now become a mainstream trend. Prices have soared to unrealistic heights, as more sellers jumped on the bandwagon. I have decided to take a different path and restore some balance in a market that has lost touch with its roots. My commitment to selling quality mid-century pieces persists, but I have chosen to price my items more realistically. I want to give my buyers something special, that oozes character and individuality, and remain dedicated to preserving the authenticity of vintage and antique furniture

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‘Sensitive Refurbishing’ - Refurbishing furniture in keeping with its style, age and character, blending new and old.
Louise Brown Louise Brown

‘Sensitive Refurbishing’ - Refurbishing furniture in keeping with its style, age and character, blending new and old.

I love that each piece of vintage furniture has its own unique style and character. Each one represents a time in history and has a story to tell.

We all have our individual styles when doing up furniture. For me, it is refurbishing in a way that is in keeping with it’s past. I like to accentuate the original design features, whilst giving it a modern twist. I think of this as ‘sensitive refurbishing’, blending old and new.

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  Renew, Restore, Refurbish! The Importance of Recycling and Reusing.
Louise Brown Louise Brown

Renew, Restore, Refurbish! The Importance of Recycling and Reusing.

Like many others, I am concerned by our culture of consumerism and waste. The amount of ‘stuff’ we accumulate and chuck these days is shameful. Nothing is made to last. When products are so cheap to buy, it is easier to throw than repair. With climate change at a state of emergency, we need to change our ways before it is too late.

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